Fresh Ideas for Friends of the Library: Membership, Volunteers, and Finances


About This Webinar Package

This package includes three (3) on-demand sessions from 2023 United for Libraries Virtual. Special pricing includes all three sessions *and* group viewing for a single Friends group.

NOTE: After paying for registration, the purchaser receives a signup code. The original purchaser may give that signup code to another person, who upon redemption of the signup code, is considered the purchaser.


Group Viewing of Sessions

  • 🟒 The purchaser is authorized to setup in-person group viewing of the on-demand recording(s) for a single Friends of the Library Group.
  • πŸŸ₯ The purchaser may not share their login with any other individual.
  • πŸŸ₯ Participation/viewing as part of an in-person group viewing of one or more of the on-demand recording(s) is not authorized for any individual not associated with the purchasing Friends Group. This includes branch Friends Groups and other library Friends Groups. Those who wish to purchase access for multiple Friends group may contact United for Libraries by email at for bulk pricing information.
Slides & Handouts
  • 🟒 The purchaser may download slides and handouts to share with the purchasing Friends group board members.
  • πŸŸ₯ File sharing outside of the purchasing Friends group is not allowed. This includes branch Friends Groups and other library Friends Groups. Those who wish to purchase access for multiple Friends group may contact United for Libraries by email at for bulk pricing information.


The base price for this special package of three (3) on-demand sessions with group viewing permission as noted above is priced as follows. Applicable pricing will show automatically in the registration process based on your membership status:
  • United for Libraries Personal Members: $64.35
  • ALA Personal Members: $89.10
  • Non-Members: $99.00

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I purchased registration for 2023 United for Libraries Virtual. Can't I just show the recordings and/or share the files with my board members?
No, registration for 2023 United for Libraries Virtual is individual registration and does *not* include group viewing.

  • Our library has a main/head Friends group *and* branch Friends groups. If I purchase this package, can I show the recordings and/or share files with members of the branch Friends groups?
No, this package includes only a single Friends Group. If your library is interested in purchasing multiple group registrations to cover some or all of your branch Friends Groups, please email for special pricing.
  • My role as a staff member is to work with the Friends and the Foundation. If I purchase this package, can I show the recordings and/or share files with members of both the Friends and the Foundation?
No, this package includes is for a single board/group. To include both your Friends Group and your Foundation, please purchase two package registrations to cover both board.


Included Sessions


-- Membership --
Game On: Unlocking Membership Potential
Use simple gaming techniques for your Friends of the Library group to engage the community.

Join this session to learn how you can use simple gaming techniques as outreach tools to engage those in your community by raising awareness of how Friends groups support the library to increase membership. These gaming techniques can also be used in a variety of ways among Friends Boards, library staff, and for Membership Drives.


-- Volunteers --
Stand Up for Standout Friends: A Case Study in Replicable, Scalable Volunteer Recognition Programs
Implement a meaningful recognition program for your library's Friends and volunteers.

Minnesota Association of Library Friends (MALF) implemented a volunteer recognition program, "Stand Up for Standout Friends," in 2016.  Learn how to create your own successful volunteer recognition program, no matter what your library's size, by creating recognition strategies and recipient β€œperks."

-- Finances --
Your Password Has Expired: Financial Best Practices for Library Friends
Ensure your Friends of the Library group's financial procedures are following best practices.
Library Friends groups may vary in size and scope but all should have one thing in common: strong financial controls.  This program will review best practices for a nonprofit to follow for internal controls, financial responsibility, and long-term succession planning for the organization.