Astronomy Programming in Public Libraries

How do we get children involved in astronomy at a young age? By making it fun, of course! In this on-demand webinar, Kelly Williams and Maria Meade from the Gwinnett County (GA) Public Library present easy, doable programs for astronomy that you don’t have to be an expert to teach. With coding, planetary distance, space objects, astronaut boot camp, and more, viewers will gain the tools and ideas necessary to teach children ages 6–12 about the wonders and science of space.
Originally presented May 16, 2023.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify core concepts of teaching astronomy to the public;
- Implement up to four separate program ideas that introduce children, teens, and adults to astronomy concepts; and
- Find astronomy-specific grant and funding resources.
Who Should Attend
This on-demand webinar is intended for all public library staff and programmers.
Kelly Williams (she/her) is a supervisory librarian at the Dacula branch of the Gwinnett County Public Library in Georgia. She has worked in public libraries for eight years. She is a 2022 ALA Emerging Leader, working to improve ALA’s New Member Round Table. Kelly actively serves the Georgia Library Association (GLA) as secretary, programming interest group chair, and editor for Georgia Library Quarterly. She contributed to the creation of GLA’s current strategic plan and has hosted or spoken at three “Learn & Share” events for two interest groups. Her professional interests include STEM programming, freedom to read, and library leadership.
Maria Meade (she/her) is a supervisory librarian at the Snellville Branch of the Gwinnett County Public Library. She has developed and run STEM programs for all ages with the goal of making science and engineering fun and accessible for everybody.
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This on-demand webinar is closed captioned in English (United States).
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Tech Requirements
To play this on-demand webinar you should use a browser with native HTML5 support. Please use the most up-to-date version available of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Edge. A fast Internet connection and computer is recommended.
This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
If you have questions or problems accessing a recording, send a message to or call 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752).