Who Manages, Who Leads: Part Two

Who Manages, Who Leads Part Two: Mentor, Progress, Succeed, is the second of a two-part series of four-week interactive programs, to introduce and continue educating existing managers and leaders to advanced theory and practice. Managers see mission. Leaders see vision. To every leader you will have a manager and to every manager a leader. Issues in managing other staff, resources, and services, as well as leadership roles and expectations are daunting tasks. Yes, some leaders are born, but others can be trained.

This course benefits those who participated in the first of this series, those who have a great resume, and those with successful interview who are hired. This course discusses advanced succession, mentorship, and promotion in hiring and selection. Managerial and leadership opportunities in between this spectrum range from those promoted into manager leader positions and those hired as manager leader positions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explore and discuss theories of management and leadership. 
  • Develop cognizant theories on the differences between leadership and management.
  • Gain insights into navigating transitions to different roles and how to simultaneously serve in multiple capacities.
  • Tie in practical issues that present to managers and leaders, such as hiring, firing and suggesting corrections to existing behaviors among staff.
  • Finalize an individual and implementable career plan.

The instructor, Debra Lucas-Alfieri Retired with Distinction from her position as the Head of Reference, Interlibrary Loan, Public Services, and Information Analysis and Instruction, at D’Youville University in Buffalo, NY (2002-2020). Debra’s research, practice, expertise is demonstrated in her book chapter, Project Management in Libraries: An Overview for Middle Managers, which appears in Middle Management in Academic and Public Libraries (2011). She authored Marketing the 21st Century Library: The Time is Now (2015), a librarians’ textbook, published by Chandos, an imprint of Elsevier. She also published academic journal articles in Collaborative Librarianship, the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve, the Journal of Library and Information Science, and Library Leadership and Management. Additionally, she served as an editor for the Journal of Library Innovation. For fun, she crafted and published encyclopedia articles the Encyclopedia of Power, the Encyclopedia of Time, the Encyclopedia of Anthropology, and the 20th Century Encyclopedia of Pop Culture. Alongside clinicians, university faculty, and university students, she co-authored and published articles in the nursing and pharmaceutical fields.

Debra has been teaching online library science classes, seminars, and webinars for over a decade, working with national organization such as ALA RUSA and Library Juice Academy. She has presented web-based symposiums for organizations in Florida and Montreal.  Debra has vast experience and knowledge of the history of libraries and its’ mission her research and philosophies are highly regarded, studied, and cited across the world. Through teaching and writing, she has impacted students and scholars across the globe. Before she Retired with Distinction from D’Youville University, she was appointed Faculty Senate Parliamentarian and served from 2018 until she retired in 2022. During her tenure, she was awarded a Sabbatical and Faculty Research Grant in 2014, a Faculty Fellowship Award in 2015-2016, and a promotion to Full-Librarian Academic Rank in 2016. Her retirement created the synergy to collaborate with countless librarians who will then drive our profession and institution of libraries successfully and strategically into the future.