Curating for Connections: Applying Tools & Activities for Implementing the Curate Shared Foundation

Curating a school library collection extends beyond selecting popular titles, and the roles that school librarians fill have evolved well past maintaining materials. Explore all the aspects of the Curate Shared Foundation in the National School Library Standards with this interactive webinar. Developed and presented by a team of five school librarians from the 2022 ALA Emerging Leaders Program, Developing Critical Curators Seeking Diverse Perspectives is an implementation guide focused on the Curate Shared Foundation. Participants will exit the webinar with concrete ideas and tools for their school libraries and their learners. Scenarios, activities, and resources in the guide support school librarians in collection development as they work toward inclusivity and in teaching learners and educators to gather, evaluate, and organize information from diverse perspectives. This webinar and the guide make an excellent independent or group professional development project.


  • Nanyamkah Mars 
  • Stephanie Go
  • Sheila Michaels 
  • Laurel Taylor
  • Sarah Degenhart 
  • Jennifer Sturge