Transgender Inclusion at Burnaby Public Library: An EDI Roadmap
A PLA 2022 Virtual Conference On-Demand Session
In August 2019, the Burnaby Public Library formed a Transgender Inclusion Working Group to identify barriers trans and nonbinary staff and patrons face in the library and to make recommendations to remove these barriers. In this session, we will discuss the formation and successes of the Transgender Inclusion Working Group, the challenges of our first year and beyond, and the processes and supports we relied on to bring meaningful change to the library.
Originally presented as part of the PLA 2022 Virtual Conference on March 24, 2022.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify barriers and possible solutions to transgender inclusion at their libraries;
- Form effective working groups to address equity, diversity, and inclusion work in their libraries; and
- Tailor their advocacy to the values of their colleagues and administration.
Ashley Dunne (she/her) is a children’s librarian with the Burnaby Public Library. Ashley’s main targets for EDI advocacy are policy changes and community involvement. In her spare time, she co-chairs ALA’s Rainbow Roundtable News & Reviews Committee.
Caelin Crosby (they/them) is a systems support assistant & co-lead of the Trans Inclusion Working Group with the Burnaby Public Library.Important Registration Information
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This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
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