Why Trauma-Informed? A PLA Social Worker Task Force Webinar

Members of the PLA Social Worker Task Force continue to explore trauma-informed library approaches with this deep-dive into trauma and the trauma-informed approach, with a focus on why this is an important consideration for every public library. Every person who works in your library has been through a stressful or traumatic experience and all those who walk through your library's doors have also experienced some degree of trauma and/or stress.
In this on-demand webinar, the presenters—all working library social workers—show how following a trauma-informed approach can relieve the pressure that results from managing difficult situations, explore methods for offering choices to patrons, and for creating an environment of collaboration and trust at the library.
Originally presented November 18, 2019.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand more about what trauma is, including types of trauma;
- Empower patrons with making choices;
- Understand how the trauma-informed approach aligns with library values;
- Comprehend the use of trauma-informed ideals in developing informed judgement; and
- Appreciate the importance of self-care.
Who Should Attend
This on-demand webinar is intended for public librarians at all levels of experience; library administration; public library social workers; social work educators; library social work interns; field supervisors; social work students; MLIS students; all library workers; library security staff; other social service agencies; members of the public.
Jean Badalamenti, MSW, is DC Public Library’s health and human services assistant manager, working in the service design and engagement office. Since 2014, she has been developing programs, creating partnerships, and training DCPL staff to support customers experiencing homelessness. Jean's most recent project equips DCPL staff with dialogue facilitation skills that support the public library as center for civic engagement and community dialogue.
Leah Esguerra, LMFT, is a California licensed marriage and family therapist. She is the nation’s first full-time library social worker with San Francisco Public Library. Leah manages the SFPL social service program, which consists of six health and safety associates (HASAs) who are library outreach workers with lived experience with homelessness.
Elissa Hardy, LCSW is the community resource manager at the Denver Public Library in Colorado. This department consists of three other social workers and six peer navigators. The team supports and builds relationships with customers experiencing life challenges and assists them in navigating community resources to achieve their goals and improve quality of life; provides training for library staff; and engages the community in solutions in addressing social
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This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
If you have questions or problems accessing a recording, send a message to plawebinars@ala.org or call 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752).