Applying Trauma-Informed Concepts to Reduce Harm: A PLA Social Worker Task Force Webinar

This on-demand webinar—the third in a series—dives into how a trauma-informed service philosophy can reduce harm for library staff and patrons. Panelists address specific scenarios and help participants begin to use trauma-informed concepts to address concerns before they arise and when they arise. By incorporating concepts and research covered in the first two webinars, attendees learn how to look through a trauma-informed lens and gain ideas to consider when approaching an interaction.
In this latest installment in the series, members of the PLA Social Worker Task Force continue to explore trauma-informed services at the library. Previous webinars in the series have looked at what a trauma-informed approach is and why it is important; this on-demand webinar focuses on how to implement a trauma-informed approach. However, each webinar is designed to stand alone, so attendance at the previous webinars in the series is not a prerequisite.
Originally presented December 18, 2019.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand trauma-informed considerations;
- Understand the concept of harm-reduction and how trauma-informed considerations can reduce harm;
- Use grounding techniques when approaching an interaction; and
- Practice taking all learned information and forming a trauma-informed approach.
Who Should Attend
This on-demand webinar is intended for public librarians at all levels of experience; library administration; public library social workers; social work educators; library social work interns; field supervisors; social work students; MLIS students; all library workers; library security staff; other social service agencies; members of the public.
Jean Badalamenti, MSW, is DC Public Library’s health and human services assistant manager, working in the service design and engagement office. Since 2014, she has been developing programs, creating partnerships, and training DCPL staff to support customers experiencing homelessness. Jean's most recent project equips DCPL staff with dialogue facilitation skills that support the public library as center for civic engagement and community dialogue.
Leah Esguerra, LMFT, is a California-licensed marriage and family therapist. She is the nation’s first full-time library social worker with San Francisco Public Library. Leah manages the SFPL social service program, which consists of six health and safety associates (HASAs) who are library outreach workers with lived experience with homelessness.
Elissa Hardy, LCSW is the community resource manager at the Denver Public Library in Colorado. This department consists of three other social workers and six peer navigators. The team supports and builds relationships with customers experiencing life challenges and assists them in navigating community resources to achieve their goals and improve quality of life; provides training for library staff; and engages the community in solutions in addressing social injustice.
Debra Keane, LCSW, is the social work coordinator for Jefferson County Public Library. Her role includes connecting patrons to community resources; providing training for staff on issues related to homelessness, trauma, mental health and substance misuse, and providing leadership for the library system on meeting the needs of the community. She received her MSW from the University of Illinois and is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in Colorado.
Tiffany Russell is the social services manager at the Niles (MI) District Library. She received her MSW from Western Michigan University. Tiffany oversees the Social Workers in Rural and Small Libraries (SWIRSL) program, a grant-funded project, which provides patrons with information, referrals, and resources, as well as develops collaborative relationships with local social service agencies. Additionally, the SWIRSL program provides information and training for library staff on various topics. The program provides social work interns to six other public libraries in Southwest Michigan. Tiffany was the recipient of the Field Instructor of the Year award for Western Michigan University’s School of Social Work–Southwest Campus in 2019.
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This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
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