Bringing Technology and Arts Programming to Senior Adults
A PLA 2020 Virtual Conference On-Demand Session
When you think of STEAM programming, does your mind jump to tweens programming robots, or do you envision seniors walking down memory lane with the help of virtual reality? This panel will help broaden your idea of both senior programming and STEAM outreach. Participants will hear about innovative senior programming, including augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) programming in memory care units, robotics programs in assisted living centers, and “reverse outreach” programs bringing in seniors for art and music programs.
Originally presented as part of the PLA 2020 Virtual Conference on February 27, 2020.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Justify the use of STEAM activities in senior programming;
- Identify specific STEAM activities suited to the interests and needs of seniors in your community; and
- Design and implement engaging programs to increase seniors’ engagement and understanding of STEAM topics.
Who Should Attend
This on-demand session is intended for those with some previous knowledge of the topic.
Rebekah Lynam is a branch manager with Pioneer Library System. As the coordinator of PLS’s internal leadership class for the past two years, Lynam has worked to expand the involvement of participants and graduates in strategy and vision. Lynam has presented at state and national conferences on topics ranging from disaster preparedness to image restoration strategies following crisis and is a graduate of the MPLA Leadership Institute.
Ashley Nixon-Amador is currently the information services manager at the Southwest Oklahoma City Public Library. She graduated with her MLIS from the University of Oklahoma in May 2014 and is a Gates Millenium Scholar Alumni. She has worked for Pioneer Library System since 2015..
Jessica Givens is the information services manager at the Moore branch of the Pioneer Library System, and has worked closely with local senior centers to provide services to seniors. She has worked in libraries for sixteen years, both academic and public, including access services, cataloging, and reference. She graduated with her MLIS from UCLA in 2009.
Important Registration Information
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Review the ALA eLearning FAQ if you need more information.
This on-demand webinar is closed captioned in English (United States).
If you have a physical or communication need that may affect your access to this on-demand webinar, please contact us at or 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752) prior to registering so we can attempt to provide appropriate accommodations.
Tech Requirements
To play this on-demand webinar you should use a browser with native HTML5 support. Please use the most up-to-date version available of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Edge. A fast Internet connection and computer is recommended.
This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
If you have questions or problems accessing a recording, send a message to or call 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752).