Understanding Trauma-Informed Approaches in Public Libraries

Join members of the PLA Social Work Task Force for this introduction to the use of trauma-informed approaches in public libraries. A trauma-informed approach generally means understanding that library patrons may have experienced trauma and working with them to engender trust in libraries. Adopting trauma-informed approaches reduces barriers to library access, makes the library a more welcoming place, and positions the library as part of the solution for many of the issues faced by patrons experiencing trauma.
In this on-demand webinar presenters clarify the concept of trauma-informed approaches; detail what this looks like in a public library environment; and preview how understanding and beginning to implement this approach can aid your community and your library.
Originally presented September 24, 2019.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand the social worker definition of trauma-informed approaches;
- Comprehend what this looks like in a public library; and
- Know how using a trauma-informed approach can make the library a more empathetic and welcoming place.
Who Should Attend
This on-demand webinar is intended for public librarians at all levels of experience; library administration; public library social workers; social work educators; library social work interns; field supervisors; social work students; MLIS students; all library workers; library security staff; other social service agencies; members of the public.
Sarah Johnson, MLIS, LMSW, is assistant professor at Hunter College in New York City. In addition to working as a reference and instruction librarian at the Silberman School of Social Work, Sarah’s research focuses on social work students conducting field placements at public libraries. Her aim is to foster quality internships by building alliances among students, public librarians, and social work educators, with the ultimate goal of enhancing services to library patrons and their wider community. Sarah earned her MSW from the University of Denver.
Debra Keane, LCSW, is the social work coordinator for Jefferson County Public Library. Her role includes connecting patrons to community resources; providing training for staff on issues related to homelessness, trauma, mental health and substance misuse, and providing leadership for the library system on meeting the needs of the community. She received her MSW from the University of Illinois and is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) in Colorado.
David Perez, MSW, was born and raised in The Bronx, NY. This is David's third career. He was a soldier in the Army for ten years. He also has a Business undergraduate degree, with a healthcare management concentration and prior to becoming a library social worker, worked in the healthcare field for over 15 years. He received his MSW in 2017. He is now the social work and diversity services manager at the Long Branch Free Public Library in New Jersey.
Tiffany Russell is the social services manager at the Niles (MI) District Library. She received her MSW from Western Michigan University. Tiffany oversees the Social Workers in Rural and Small Libraries (SWIRSL) program, a grant-funded project, which provides patrons with information, referrals, and resources, as well as develops collaborative relationships with local social service agencies. Additionally, the SWIRSL program provides information and training for library staff on various topics. The program provides social work interns to six other public libraries in Southwest Michigan. Tiffany was the recipient of the Field Instructor of the Year award for Western Michigan University’s School of Social Work–Southwest Campus in 2019.
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This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
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