Cataloging Rare Materials with the Official Toolkit and DCRMR

The official RDA Toolkit introduces new elements and a new structure from the original Toolkit. To facilitate adoption of the official Toolkit, in 2022 the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section's Bibliographic Standards Committee published Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials: RDA Edition (DCRMR), an RDA-aligned standard.

This 90-minute webinar will present practical guidance on cataloging rare materials with RDA. The webinar will walk participants through cataloging rare books with the official Toolkit and DCRMR using concrete, step-by-step instructions. At the end of the webinar, attendees will be prepared to begin creating records for rare materials using DCRMR and RDA.

After attending the webinar, attendees will:

  • Understand the relationship between DCRMR and the official RDA Toolkit
  • Be able to navigate DCRMR and find related instructions in the official Toolkit
  • Understand rare material transcription standards and how they differ from RDA normalized transcription
  • Be prepared to create catalog records for rare materials using the official Toolkit and DCRMR

Elizabeth Hobart is the Special Collections Cataloging Librarian and Interim Head of Cataloging and Metadata Services at Penn State. In this role, she is leading the implementation of the official RDA Toolkit for her library. She served as editor for Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (RDA Edition) from 2019-2022. Previously, she served as a member of the Bibliographic Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section and the Content Standards Committee of the Music Library Association.

This event will be hosted in Zoom. Automatic captions will be enabled for this event. This event will be recorded, and registrants will receive access to the recording within a day after the event ends.

If you have questions or requests regarding accessibility, contact us at or at 312-280-5100.