YALSA Snack & Chat: Supporting Teens During Difficult and Challenging Times
Listen, learn and share your thoughts about how teens are adjusting to the new normal, post-election media and other challenging aspects of 2020. This is a great opportunity to come together to share stories, ask questions and support each other as we strive to serve and support teens to the best of our ability in 2020.
Caroline Aversano Teen Services Librarian Ocean County (NJ) Library Caroline is the Teen Services Librarian for the Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library. She serves as Co-chair of the Ocean County Library's Teen Literacy and Teen Services Mentor workgroups, has been a reader for NJLA's Garden State Teen Book Awards since 2009, and has volunteered on several virtual YALSA and task forces, including the current President's Initiative Task Force.
Ariadna Jimenez-Barrios
Teen Librarian
San Diego County Library
Ariadna Jimenez-Barrios works at San Diego County Library in California and divides her time as a Teen librarian with the Learning, Marketing, and Engagement department assisting with countywide initiatives and as a YA and Spanish selector with the Collection Development Department.