Library Marketing

This course will provide students with an introduction to basic marketing management and how these principles apply in a public library setting. Topics included are: understanding marketing management, internal and external audits, analyzing marketing opportunities, developing marketing strategies, shaping the marketing product and managing and delivering marketing programs. Upon completion of the course the individual is expected to know the key components of strategic marketing plans. The individual will be familiar with defining markets, adapting markets, building customer satisfaction, mission and vision statements, marketing research methodologies, environmental scanning, defining target markets and diverse patron populations, segmentation, implementation of services, public relations tools, and evaluating marketing and service results.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understands methods of community study and analysis in order to design an effective marketing plan.
  2. Describes a range of methods for marketing new and existing services and products to better inform the community of library offerings
  3. Articulates strategic library directions with measurable objectives based on customer needs.
  4. Describes the planning/marketing process OR write a marketing plan for their library or specific functional area OR engage in a market planning process for their library (requires follow-up).

Instructor: Nicola McDonald