Sustainably Grow Your Summer Library Program
Looking for ways to keep your summer library program (SLP) energized and relevant? This webinar will help you rework your programming in accordance with ALA’s sustainability guidelines, bringing environmentally sound, economically feasible, and socially equitable policies to your library. Learn tips and strategies to actualize a sustainability mindset and ways the unique characteristics of your community can transform your SLP endeavors and bring resilience, potential, and change to your community. Then apply this knowledge and a wealth of ideas on nature-based programming, sustainably-minded incentive strategies, innovative community collaborations, and beyond to develop a program that will fit into your upcoming SLP plan.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Understand sustainability as a core library value and its impact on their summer learning program (SLP) strategy;
- Evaluate the unique characteristics and possibilities of their location to determine innovative programming possibilities and partnerships; and
- Create a sustainable summer program plan rooted in their community’s needs to help ensure their SLP thrives now and in the future.
Who Should Attend
This webinar is intended for public library staff working in youth services.
Dawn Tevis (she/her) holds an MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MLS in place-based literary nonfiction from the University of Minnesota. She serves as youth services coordinator for La Crosse County (WI) Library’s five locations. Dawn is a member of the Sustainable Library Initiative and the ALA Sustainability Round Table’s Public Advocacy and Awareness Committee. A Minnesota Master Naturalist, she participated in the 2022 Creative Community Leadership Institute cohort and regularly leads programs designed to foster connection between participants and the natural world.
Important Registration Information
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Once you’ve registered for this webinar, a signup code will be added to your ALA eLearning account and emailed to you. Find the signup code on your signup code page, then redeem it on your account’s dashboard to complete your enrollment in this live webinar.
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Archived Recording
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This webinar will be presented using the Zoom platform. Please review Zoom technical requirements and support information, and test your connection.
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This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
Questions about this webinar? Please contact us at or 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752).