Fundamentals of Metadata 2025 - Session 2.0


This six-week course is an introduction to fundamental concepts of metadata, including:

  • Similarities and differences between cataloging and metadata
  • Descriptive, technical, and administrative metadata schema
  • Content standards and controlled vocabularies
  • Approaches to metadata creation and transformation
  • Metadata project design

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand different types of metadata, content standards, and controlled vocabularies and their fit for purpose
  • Describe content using a metadata schema, content standard, and controlled vocabulary of their choice
  • Understand reasons and methods for metadata transformation
  • Design a metadata project based on real-world scenarios that are provided in the course materials

Who Should Attend:

This is a fundamentals course that will appeal to anyone interested in the topic with no previous experience.