3-Part API Series (Part Three): Introduction to Primo APIs

Description:  This webinar is an introduction to Primo APIs. This webinar will be an introductory walk through of setting up a Primo API using the ExLibris Developer Network and using an API management plat-form. The two API platform that will be mentioned in this webinar are Postman and Insomnia. There will be an overview of tools that can used to with the API results data.


Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the basic workflow of setting up a Primo API 
  •  Perform a call to Primo API to produce results


Who Should Attend: MLIS/MSIS Students, Systems Librarians, Digital Initiative Librarians, Web Librarians, Library IT staff, Metadata/Cataloging Professionals, Technology Practitioners in libraries, and anyone interested in learning to work with APIs or to integrate services

Presenter Bios: 

Craig Rosenbeck has deep experience in academic library and information technology and consortia. Craig has developed expert level experience in Information Technology by working for many years in the field and through academic development. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Toledo, a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and a Master of Information Science from University of North Texas. Craig has published book reviews and presentations at conferences. His reading interests include information technology books and journals, as well as theological books and journals. He is married and enjoys being a husband and a dad.

Tech Requirements

Core Webinars are held in Zoom. Speakers or a headset for listening to the presentation are required. You may interact with the presenter and ask questions through text-based chat. Closed captioning is available in the Zoom platform. The webcast will be recorded and the link to the recording shared with registrants shortly after the live event.