4-Part Library Facility Master Planning Series (Part Four): Inheriting & Implementing a Library Facility Master Plan by Others; Challenges, Strategies & Best Practices

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Core/Buildings & Operations: Buildings for College and University Libraries and Planning & Design Committees are pleased to present the four-part webinar series “Library Facility Master Plans." This is the fourth and final webinar in the series.

Library leaders with responsibility for one or more buildings continually grapple with aging systems and facilities, while also keeping physical spaces fresh and responsive to evolving service and programming needs. Without a comprehensive plan, a series of small improvements in individual rooms or partial floors can lead to an inconsistent patron and staff experience and inefficient resource use. Additionally, without a master plan, collection management policies intended to free up library space, can make library real estate targets for both desirable and less desirable non-library uses. Administrative support and campus funding requests are better received when presented within the context of a master plan that aligns with campus-wide strategic goals.

This series explores the key aspects of a Library Facility Master Plan, from understanding its necessity and initiation to practical insights about conducting a master planning process, along with lessons learned. It features presenters including planners and architects, as well as a wide spectrum of academic library deans, whose experiences will provide useful insights.

"Inheriting & Implementing a Library Facility Master Plan by Others: Challenges, Strategies & Best Practices" will appeal to those new to an institution or new to a role and charged with leading the process to either refine or implement an already completed library facilities master plan.

Learning Outcomes: 

At the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand inherited master plans and assess their relevance to current needs;
  • Learn how to critically evaluate and develop strategies for adapting and modifying them to align with current priorities; and
  • Gain practical insights into overcoming challenges and effectively implementing adjustments to inherited plans.


Who Should Attend: Primarily library-centric leaders, including leaders in areas of library administration (Deans/Directors and AUL’s) and Directors of Library Facilities/Operations.

Presenter Bios: 

Since May 2023, Claire Stewart has been University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign, which had recently completed its Library Master Plan. She draws on prior experience as Dean of Libraries at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she completed a major renovation of the University's second largest library and developed a comprehensive research data strategy. Previously Claire held leadership roles at the University of Minnesota and at Northwestern University, where she spent 17 years.

Jason Battles, Dean of University Libraries at the University of Arkansas since 2021, brings over 16 years of academic library experience, including significant roles in master planning. Previously the deputy university librarian at the University of Georgia for seven years, he oversaw multiple library renovations, technology initiatives, and strategic planning. Prior to that, Jason served as associate dean of library planning and policy at the University of Alabama and worked as a systems librarian and administrator at Vanderbilt University.

Joseph (Joe) Salem has been Duke University's university librarian since 2022, managing the university’s library system on West and East Campuses,  and driving advancements in library services and renovations. From 2018 to 2022, he was dean of libraries and interim associate provost at Michigan State University, where he led strategic planning, co-developed the MSU 2030 Strategic Plan, and oversaw major facility upgrades. Previously, he held roles at Penn State and Kent State University and contributed to national information literacy initiatives.

Sharon Murphy is Principal of Pfeiffer, a specialty studio of Perkins Eastman, whose planning, architecture and interior design practice has academic libraries as a core focus. 25+ years as ALA member and active member of ALA LLAMA and now CORE Building and Equipment Section Committees. Committee Chair and Program Chair for numerous program sessions, pre-conferences and a webinar for Buildings for College and University Libraries Committee and Library Interiors Furnishings & Equipment Committee, in addition to service on LLAMA Program Committee and various task forces.



Tech Requirements

Core Webinars are held in Zoom. Speakers or a headset for listening to the presentation are required. You may interact with the presenter and ask questions through text-based chat. Closed captioning is available in the Zoom platform. The webcast will be recorded and the link to the recording shared with registrants shortly after the live event.