4-Part Library Facility Master Planning Series (Part Two): Having a Seat at the Table: Representation and Participation in the Library Facility Master Planning Process
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Core/Buildings & Operations: Buildings for College and University Libraries and Planning & Design Committees are pleased to present the four-part webinar series “Library Facility Master Plans." This is the second webinar in the series. You can also get the full series as a bundle.
Library leaders with responsibility for one or more buildings continually grapple with aging systems and facilities, while also keeping physical spaces fresh and responsive to evolving service and programming needs. Without a comprehensive plan, a series of small improvements in individual rooms or partial floors can lead to an inconsistent patron and staff experience and inefficient resource use. Additionally, without a master plan, collection management policies intended to free up library space, can make library real estate targets for both desirable and less desirable non-library uses. Administrative support and campus funding requests are better received when presented within the context of a master plan that aligns with campus-wide strategic goals.
This series explores the key aspects of a Library Facility Master Plan, from understanding its necessity and initiation to practical insights about conducting a master planning process, along with lessons learned. It features presenters including planners and architects, as well as a wide spectrum of academic library deans, whose experiences will provide useful insights.
"Having a Seat at the Table: Representation and Participation in the Library Facility Master Planning Process" advances the discussion about who could/should be involved in leading and implementing a master planning effort. It includes steps to define the scope, manage costs, and communicate effectively.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the webinar, attendees will be able to:
- Gain insights into the diverse perspectives involved in Library Facility Master Planning, presented by speakers representing library-led, campus-led, and provost-led approaches;
- Learn about effective strategies for selecting committee members with diverse roles to ensure a comprehensive and influential committee; and
- Gain insights on defining the project scope, managing costs, and effective communication when inviting and engaging committee members.
Who Should Attend: Primarily library-centric leaders, including leaders in areas of library administration (Deans/Directors and AUL’s) and Directors of Library Facilities/Operations.
Presenter Bios:
Principal, library practice leader and interior design leader for Perkins Eastman|Pfeiffer and before that Pfeiffer Partners Architects, Gili Meerovitch has over 20 years of experience master planning, programming and designing academic libraries for colleges and universities of all sizes across North America. She brings insights from dozens of library facilities master plans which she has led.
With more than 30 years of experience in higher education, Carlos Rodriguez has been Dean, University Library at California State University-Los Angeles since 2016. Since there, he led the JFK Memorial Library Master Plan and is now engaged in its implementation. Prior experience includes roles at UCLA, Grand Valley State University, where he was Associate Dean of Technology & Information Services and participated in the planning and development of the new Mary Idema Pew Library.
Kelly Hayes McAlonie has been at University at Buffalo as Director of Campus Planning since 2010, following 17 years of professional planning and architectural practice. She oversees the development of the university’s built environment and has been instrumental in leading multiple planning efforts including its system-wide Libraries Master Plan encompassing five of the University's libraries. She is overseeing the implementation of the university’s Comprehensive Master Plan and the strategic planning for UB’s three campus environments.
Donald Gilstrap has been Dean of UA Libraries since January 2016 following five years as Dean of Libraries at Wichita State University and earlier roles at University of Oklahoma, the University of Connecticut, and Southwestern Oklahoma State University. With a charge to address pervasive architectural issues, Don initiated library master planning on the heels of campus-wide space planning and space utilization studies. Planning expanded from its initial focus on the Main Library to include multiple libraries and archival facilities, and has secured a place for the Libraries as part of the University's capital campaign.
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