I Stream, You Stream: Offering Customizable Streaming Apps for Checkout
Streaming services are more popular than ever, but the field is increasingly costly and crowded. In this webinar, learn how you can provide access to your patrons to a menu of streaming app options. Using library Roku devices, patrons are able to stream movies and television episodes to their home television using high-speed wireless internet. Tips and tricks on how to organize accounts, payments, and package configurations will also be shared to help you launch your Roku collection or streamline an existing program.
Originally presented August 15, 2024.
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this on-demand webinar, participants will be able to:
- Identify how to select and sign up for various streaming apps;
- Design configurations for Roku kits based on streaming subscriptions and demand; and
- Develop a systematic process for checking out and checking in Roku devices.
Who Should Attend
This on-demand webinar is intended for for all collection development and technology services staff.
Librarian Andrew Cook created the Roku streaming services program at the Downers Grove (IL) Public Library. He has managed the program since late 2022 and currently oversees more than twenty-five devices. He has a background in technology onboarding and customer service.
Adult and teen services manager Van McGary has supervised the launch of numerous projects at the Downers Grove Public Library. She manages the workflow of the department in conjunction with other departments at the library. She has a background in science and has presented at conferences worldwide.
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This webinar is presented by the Public Library Association (PLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).
If you have questions or problems accessing a recording, send a message to plawebinars@ala.org or call 800-545-2433 ext. 5PLA (5752).