Join Michelle Cooper as she shares how to implement a library program that incorporates global collaboration with educators and students around the world.
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Have you wanted to add manga to your library collection but don't know where to start?
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This program provides a flexible plan for teaching students to review books over 3-6 meetings, tips for implementation, and a graphic organizer to help students map their reviews.
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This interactive session will give school librarians the theory, models, materials, and inspiration to lead their students and their schools in integrating habits of critical thinking about media throughout the curriculum at all grade levels.  By transforming the use of media in our libraries and classrooms to include student-centered, curriculum-driven, inquiry-based analysis – school  librarians can prepare a civic-ready generation to habitually question media messages and their own thinking.
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Participants will learn about the resources for educators in all content areas and all grade levels provided by NASA.
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This session will equip librarians and educators with the knowledge and resources to ethically and effectively use, create and share Openly-Licensed Educational Resources (OER).
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Every school library space, program, resource, and instructional activity is focused on empowering students to be successful and motivated learners.  Participants will examine portraits of engaged and empowered learners at grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 and will recognize the school librarian's role in enabling students to grow academically, socially, personally, and culturally. Participants will leave the session ready to start painting the portraits of successful learners in their own schools.
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Explore ow the pairing of primary sources and picture books can enhance the awareness of a historic event or individual and also the author’s or illustrator's interpretation of history.
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Learn how easy podcasting can be, from recording and editing audio to finding and overlaying sound effects and music.
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Learn and apply strategies to place historic maps, cartoons, letters, photographs, and more from the Library of Congress at the center of inquiry-based learning.
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Explore how we can leverage technology to promote reading in formats suiting different learning styles, enhance the reading experience, and make it more interactive and collaborative with other readers and even authors.
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Explore music, movement, and play to promote student inquiry and reflection and meet the needs of diverse learners.
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This session will cover how two librarians used limited funds to transform traditional spaces to foster design thinking in their students and project examples of design thinking activities.
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Integrating collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and yes, even creativity, into the research process helps to prepare students for the challenges of today's world.
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Explore fun, hands on, and gamified ways to teach research and other important library skills.
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Participants will learn how the National School Library Standards connect to the ASCD Whole Child Tenets.
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Does your school have a curriculum-aligned research program? Is there a shift in mindset that you'd like to facilitate & encourage in order to make this happen? This session will outline how a PK-12, independent school established a student-led, inquiry based framework in support of the school's strategic initiatives effectively shifting the way(s) we collaborate to conduct research in the classroom and library. Join us as we share our story, leadership/advocacy strategies, & student samples.
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How can you inspire inquiry, critical thinking, visual literacy, and creativity in one colorful package? Infographics are visual representations of information, offering innovative and creative learning opportunities in all content areas. Attend this session to learn more about infographics and explore how to integrate them into current or new collaborative lessons in innovative ways. Leave with tools and examples to use with your students and staff immediately.
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Come learn how to incorporate various technologies into your school library media center!
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Come learn how to make Digital Learning Day a K-12, community-wide event that promotes the amazing work and learning taking place in your school library. Students become teachers and share with small groups of participants their favorite digital tools, activities, and learning experiences. Stemming from a complete miscommunication, our digital learning evening attracts over 800 participants and allows the community to explore the learning taking place in my school library. Come learn how to plan your own event.
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In such a climate where news literacy is declining, and news consumers are reluctant to consider information contrary to their held beliefs, how is a librarian to counter the rise of media illiteracy?
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Did you know graphic novels can be used across all content areas to teach essential media literacy skills? Because of its multimodality, the graphic novel is the perfect vehicle to guide readers to slow down, self pace, and more critically consume visual messages across media, from television to memes to infographics and more. Featuring examples of practical lessons and student work, this session will offer multiple strategies for using this medium to foster media literacy across the curriculum.
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Learn how the AASL Standards-Based Learning Series helps support teaching and learning.
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Participants will not only learn about the power of these genres but they will also be exposed to the language of the AASL Shared Foundations.
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In 2009 Kelly Gallagher defined readicide as follows: Read-i-cide n: The systematic killing of the love of reading, often exacerbated by the inane, mind-numbing practices found in schools. Add on to this dilemma the COVID-19 pandemic that shut down our schools and limited our students access to books. Reading has become just another chore for our students to plow through. It is time to bring back reading joy to our school community. That challenge was accepted and it was successful!
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Bring your library to life with Primary Sources!  When students and library patrons work with digitized materials, they can become "detectives" as stories and historical figures come to life. Interaction with primary sources helps develop critical thinking, observation, and visual and information literacy skills as well as build empathy.  The Library of Congress' Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Teachers' Network is a free resource and community focused on primary sources.
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Hear the basics about Guided Inquiry Design and see how it transformed a collaborative unit into one where the students took total ownership of their learning.
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This session will focus on integrating the AASL School Library Standards and the Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards in the school library.
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Panelists discuss challenge-based learning, maker service projects and other exciting developments in the field of school library makerspaces and how they can engage your learners.
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The presenters explore the possibilities for engaging learners of all ages in authentic, meaningful work that sparks curiosity and builds real world skills.
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Start Date: 0
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